South Carolina
Spending time with family and friends can be difficult, especially with everything else we could be doing and all the excuses we could come up with.
I have discovered being intentional with those whom you love and care for is necessary.
Intentionality is the fact of being deliberate or purposive.
Purposive; having, serving, or done with a purpose.
Deliberate, done, or acting in a careful and unhurried way.
To serve a purpose in a careful and unhurried way, maybe that is how we should look at our time. Serving carefully, purposefully, and unhurried.
It is quite a paradox, time. Sometimes you feel like you have so much of it and at other times, not enough.
Since I am attending university, much of my year is spent working on papers and projects. I’m also one of those students who rarely visit home. My trip to South Carolina was awkward and short. During my fall break, a short period of a weekend, a Monday, and a Tuesday, my mom, grandma, my friend, and I drove 12 hours to Charleston, South Carolina. We spent less than two days in the city, only to drive the 12 hours back to Ohio.
It was not a waste of time though. Sure, it was a lot of driving for such a short trip, but I was able to spend time with my mom and my grandma and with my friend. I’m not able to spend as much time as I’d like with them. So, being intentional and having that time was great.
I have pictures too, which also makes it nice.

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